I’m taking the Blog/Online Serial Novel Approach to EMS Writing. Check back here often for updates an whatnot.
America. Land of the free, so long as you can pay your bills. Here Emergency services are contacted by dialing the numbers 911. But what do you get when you call for help? That answer is as wide and varied as the people who respond. Emergency Services is a Ravenous Frankenstein’s Monster of a Machine, it’s ponderous gears slowly churn on throughout the years as the population go about blissfully unaware of how fallible it is, or how mortal it’s providers are.
What kind of things happen in an area where crossing a sidewalk means entering a different fire district? That border can mean the difference between getting a Full Time Staff or a Weekend Warrior Volunteer. What happens when all available personnel are already working other calls? What happens when the person responding is currently 22 hours into his 24 hour overtime shift and is on his 14th call straight…Herein are a collection of my personal accounts, and those of my colleagues in our small part of the machine.
*Please note that all the tales are true, though names and circumstance have been altered for obvious legal reasons.
…Is a Full Time Paramedic, Teacher, Martial Artist and creative acolyte of many mediums. He paints, draws, makes video games and writes. He Is also a Life Long and Devout Nerd.
He initially worked in the 3d Art and Design field. Attending SVA in Manhatten. He changed careers after Graduating Stony Brooks Paramedic Course and has been working in the emergency services for over 10 years.
He is currently forming a Game Development & 3d Viz company in addition to occasionally tending to the JATC : EMS archives.
Check here for an assortment of other projects not directly related to JATC:EMS But then again… all things are related in some form are they not?
Paintings and concept art I've done through the years.
Check out We The Fallen, a Psychological-Horror Science-Fantasy by the Author of JATC:EMS.